
We arrived in Hawaii last week. After some initial anxiety on the ride to the airport, Red was AMAZING the rest of the trip. After a long flight, a check up by the Hawaii Department of Agriculture, a 2-hour layover and then another flight to the Big Island, she didn’t so much as whine once-all without any meds. So long as she knew I was there, she was fine with everything.


I’m staying with family until my lease starts in May, and they have a shih tzu who has taken it on herself to be Red’s guardian. If Red so much as wakes up from a nap, the shih tzu comes to get me to make sure I’m doing my job taking care of her.

Red has mapped out this place and the yard in a short period of time. Who needs eyesight?

I think it’s safe to say she’s enjoying Hawaii.

Thanks to everyone at Muttville for all they do, and especially for hanging in there for Red. And Melinda has been amazing since the day I adopted the little pirate.

Aloha and Mahalo!!

-Rick Hartman



Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to with the subject line 'Success Story'.