We got Josie from Muttville a year ago. She was about seven years old at the time. She was staying with a foster mom who lives in our neighborhood and we just fell in love with her when her foster walked her by our house. We found out she was looking for a home and we decided to adopt her.

The adoption process was very pleasant and the lady who handled it was an angel. We already had a Pomeranian, Jerry, and it didn’t take very long for the two to along. Josie was not fully potty trained when we got her, she was not used to interacting with people, she would hide from us, she didn’t know what a bed was, and she would lie down on the pee pee pad when she was tired! We could barely put her harness on her as she didn’t like to be handled. It was very difficult but we kept hoping it would get better.
Poor Josie had been rescued from a home with some 17 dogs, probably a puppy mill, she had had babies, she was undernourished, malnourished and had to have 12 teeth pulled because of it. Her legs looked arthritic. She has come a long way since in just a year! She no longer hides under the dinner table, she wants attention and loves to be petted, and she has gained healthy weight and looks great. Her coat is shiny and beautiful. She has gained so much strength through good nutrition and gentle exercise. She now comes to me when she sees the leash and harness and let’s me put them on her. She still sometimes has accidents around the house but we are working on that and realize it is probably hard for a dog to learn new habits later in life. She has brought so much joy to our family and we love her dearly. She loves to be outside and feel the fresh air and wind on her face. I don’t think she went outside much in her other home so this is a real treat to her. She also likes car rides, dog treats, cheese, belly rubs, eggs, fish, beef, and chicken. She sniffs everything on our walks so we call it “going for a sniff”!
The vet told us us Josie has arthritis but we say “What arthritis?” She is not bothered at all by her crooked legs, she runs all over the house in a mad dash, much to our amusement, she runs up and down staircases, and she jumps up on furniture like it is no big deal! Needless to say, Josie has made an amazing recovery both physically and behavior wise. We are so grateful to the wonderful people at Muttville and our sweet foster mom who saved Josie and allowed her a second chance with us. We will love Josie forever and take care of her as long as she is able to go on, and we hope for another ten years with her. I wish I could save every dog that needs a home but we do it one dog at a time.
From our Muttville home to yours, I send you much love and gratitude for the love you all show towards dogs in need. Together we can do this. Save dogs. One precious dog at a time.
Hanne Gerardi
Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to success_stories@muttville.org with the subject line 'Success Story'.