Dear Muttville,
On May 13th, after five and a half years, one of your wonderful alum, Jasper, said his last goodbye.
As first time pawrents, we feel a deep sadness, and know the next few weeks will bring many hard moments. Jasper will always be very very loved and have the most special place in our hearts. Every single day with Jasper was a joy. He was the best of us, a legend, my work buddy, and part of our family. At 17.5 yrs, he was tired and decided it was time to take a very long nap. He let us know on his own terms that it was time. And with his head on my partner’s lap, on his favorite couch, he left peacefully and dignified, like the handsome gentleman he always was.
We wanted to thank you Muttville for bringing Jasper into our lives. When we set out to adopt our first doggie in 2016 we were not looking for a senior… but you were the only rescue org that replied to our application. We only lived a few blocks away in SF. You changed our lives! You gifted us with such an easygoing, lovable, clever, cuddly handsome gentleman, who lived a long healthy and active retirement life. Jasper was a couch potato, a puzzler, a cuddler, but he was also quite the traveler and adventurer! He got to move cross-country, had to pee in his favorite bush covered in 2ft of snow, traveled to the beach several times (and even flew international), kayaked, hiked in his backpack, took long roadtrips, worked from home a lot, and after all that, still had time to get up to some mischief.
We are going to spend time rejoicing, writing, and bringing all the wonderful moments with Jasper which is why we also wanted to share a snippet of Jasper’s Chronicles we are writing to honor him!
Jasper Chronicles (See photos for reference!)
I’m sure you’d all agree that Jasper was not an ordinary dog. Whether in person, or on Zoom, or just on social media, he made a strong impression on those who knew him.
Jasper was memorable in part for his fabulous outfits. He had a full all-season wardrobe: Canada Pooch parka for the winter, Pawtagonia jacket for spring, hoodies and sweaters for fall, and a pineapple shirt for the summer (that only a stylish dog like him could pull off). And in the end, his ridiculous doggles to protect his weak eyes from the sun.
Jasper needed clothes because he was mostly bald since the day we adopted him. If he wasn’t cold then he’d get a sunburn. And let’s be honest, he looked naked otherwise! (Ok, technically all dogs are naked… but Jasper looked downright inappropriate without clothes.)
Jasper also had the cutest neck wrinkles. His snaggletooth caught his lip. He growled like an old man yelling, “get off my lawn!” He had 6 teeth, eventually 4, and then just 3. And Jasper’s ears… that tiny dog had ears for days! He was gentle and cuddly and quiet and sat at the table next to us like a tiny person.
But that’s not the reason why Jasper attracted so much attention. Other dogs instantly smell each other from the other side of the street, pulling their leash and wagging their tail. But Jasper didn’t care for other dogs. He cared for people. He made eye contact with you, and he held it. If you were walking on the sidewalk, he would stop in front of you and look up, and stare into your eyes. A little 10 lb bald pointy-eared mutt looking six feet up. With his eyes he said hi, how are you, you look interesting, I see you.
Of course we will adopt another cuddly creature, in due time. We don’t want an ordinary dog. And of course it will be a senior dog! And hopefully Muttville will once again change our lives.
Nobody can replace Jasper, obviously, but we hope we will find a sweet, smart, mellow dog. A dog who looks into your soul. A dog as memorable as Jasper.