Hello Muttville,
I am writing in to update you all about our sweet Murphy!

Murphy has adjusted very well with us. He is a happy pup and his tail is wagging from when he wakes in the morning until it’s time to go to bed. Sometimes even when he is sleeping.
When we first got him home, he still had a touch of infection from getting his teeth pulled, our vet hooked him right up and he was right as rain after a few days.
He has learned to eat his hard kibble with no problems (he really loves meal time and snacks). We taught him how to shake and are currently working more on sit, stay and down. We actually had a trainer come but today and he gave us some pointers. He’s a smart boy and is learning really quick.
He does have a habit of whining when he sees another dog on his daily walks, so we are also working on that.
Murphy and Katy (our cat) had a rough start, Murphy chased her on the first night, but now they are getting along pretty good. They can be in the same general area with no problems, they even sniff each other. They’re not quite best buds yet but I’m hopeful they will be one day.
We took him to the beach a week ago and he had a great time. He met a lot of other pooches, which is his favorite pastime. Gives them a sniff and is ready to go about his business. He didn’t care for the waves coming at him but once the water was covering his feet he was fine with it.
He likes to sleep on the bed and snuggling in between us, he even waits to be asked up.He has been known to do a few zoomies in the backyard and house when he is really happy. We had our friends over with their dog and they had a great time running around. He slept good that night, probably dreaming of more zoomies.
He has a peculiar trait and has to have his head on something all the time when he lays down, even the wall.
Enjoy the photos! We had too many good ones to choose from.
Fred and Inga
Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to success_stories@muttville.org with the subject line 'Success Story'.