We got Snowball in mid 2016. She was thought to be 12 years old at the time. She was not spayed and she sat with her legs splayed so we think she was from a puppy mill. She never played and never licked us and would not take food from our hand so we knew she had never been socialized.

She also barked at all dogs after a few months (when she got used to being with us) but after awhile she trusted us a little and she always jumped around when she saw us getting her walking equipment. We fell in love with her. She eventually lost her teeth and went deaf and her eyesight was going but she remained a little fighter and nothing phased her.
The last year of her life she really understood what it meant to be attached to people. She had had such a hard first years until she was rescued and we feel so grateful to her for the love she gave us! We had her 5 years before she passed of heart disease so she lived a long life and we gave her the best years of her life!
Thank you Muttville for bringing Snowball into our lives. We miss her dearly!
Jack & Julia
Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to success_stories@muttville.org with the subject line 'Success Story'.