Shoshanna whose name is Hebrew for Susan came to us underweight and with a shaved coat. We have attached photos of her transformation. She is a sassy senior girl who we believe may have had a fake birth date as she does behave like a puppy at times. Arriving with her turtle from her fantastic foster Mum Luba, she now growls and is downright pushy in our bed. It’s marvelous how such a small dog takes up sooo much room. Our neighborhood has lots of dogs (Mission/Bernal) and we are constantly told by passersby how pretty she is. As her proud Mums we have to agree!
She seems very happy, and loves to sleep in her various beds, yes, she has more than one wrapped in a blankie.

Shoshanna loves meeting people and is quite friendly in meeting other dogs.
Her coat has become beautiful and before we take her to our groomer, she is quite floofy and gorgeous.
Her intelligence is high, and she has us both wrapped around her small front paw!
By the attached photos you can see how beautiful she is, and the difference in her, by the window photos.
One taken on her gotcha day and the other a few weeks later. She truly epitomizes what patience, good nutrition, attention, and unconditional love can do for a rescue. We adore her and can’t imagine a time without her here with us. Thank you so much Muttville for this wonderful program and our wonderful furrkid Shoshanna.
Lorraine and Carmen
Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to with the subject line 'Success Story'.