Hi Muttville,
It’s been an entire year since we adopted Beverley/aka Sadie, and I wanted you to know that she is the happiest, healthiest, most delightful girl! Now that her cancer surgeries are behind her (you did a couple, then we did a couple), she seems to be in A1 health. She’s dropped all her extra weight, and is a champion walker, as well as a champion snuggler. And we discovered that she loves kids! She has lots of typical heeler behaviors, including that characteristic nipping at ankles, but she seems to know not to try that with kids. She became our proud grandson’s favorite show and tell subject; his entire class fell in love!

All in all, she’s been a wonderful addition to our family. Even our nervous little wire-haired guy thinks she’s the greatest.
Thanks so much for all you do, and for making Sadie’s happy ending possible.
All the best,
Patsy Slater
Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to success_stories@muttville.org with the subject line 'Success Story'.