
Muttville’s Fospice Program finds families willing to share their homes and hearts with our senior dogs with terminal illnesses. The stories are beautiful and bittersweet. Fospice boy Rusty had a wonderful life with Susan and Nate:


Some of you are already aware but we wanted to drop you a note to let you know that Rusty passed away on Monday. He was struggling at the end but we gave him a fun last weekend and a fairly peaceful end.

Though we only had Rusty for a little over 7 months, we really became attached to him. He was an incredibly sweet dog, and we only hope that his time with us made up for the trials he faced earlier in life. Rusty was suffering from dementia and arthritis, spinal pain, numbness in his back legs – the list goes on, but he was such a little trooper. He remained super excited about food until the very end and we were excited to give him ice cream and steak on his last day.

Thank you for introducing us to Rusty and for bringing him into our lives. We hope that we sent him off in style and that he knows how very much we loved him.

Susan & Nate
Rusty’s fospice parents


Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to with the subject line 'Success Story'.