We adopted Keela back in March of 2021. New Years Day left us extremely sad by her passing overnight. We just never had enough time with her.
We believe she was found as a stray in Oakland. She was so timid and everyone and everything scared her. She didn’t even know how to play. Well, being around our 15 grandchildren meant she couldn’t stay timid for long.
Everyone here at Veterans Village loved her. They called her the Mayor of Vets Village. She always had the super waggie tail for everyone she met. She was the best little girl for both my husband and myself and we will miss her forever.
Original profile
My name is Keela and I’m from Oakland. I have what are called Mood Ears and right now they are sticking straight out because I’m thinking about you. I like my coffee black, and my love language is frozen yogurt. My tail wags constantly, indicating my interest in humans and snacks. I have big brown eyes and you’re not the first person to tell me I look like Anne Hathaway. I know this sounds forward but I would like to go home with you right now.