Hi Muttville! Toby here. You knew me as Cornelius back in 2019. My humans were calling me Corny, but I told them Toby would be preferred. I’m very vocal, but mom had to type this for me. Her name is A.J.

I’m really good at lapsitting mom’s other humans when they need attention. I also keep my lady dog company, but I gave up trying to romance her because she didn’t like that. I love hunting creatures in grandma’s garden and keeping it free from moles. I chased a buck in the garden but it lept out over the fence and I couldn’t catch it. I scared mom and grandma chasing that big deer with antlers but now they think it’s a funny story. That deer won’t try getting in the garden again!
Mostly I like to nap while mom works on the computer. I do such a good job keeping mom company and taking her for walks. It took me a while to train her, but she makes me feel loved. Thanks for helping me in 2019 when I was so sad.
I hope lots of other older dogs find new homes!! I think age is just a number.
Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to success_stories@muttville.org with the subject line 'Success Story'.