My two kids and I visited Muttville with my mom who was looking to adopt a furry pal in August of 2017. We were enjoying leisurely hanging around the loft watching the flurry of little feet running here and there from bed to bed and lap to lap. About an hour in my kids had fallen head over heals with Evelyn a chubby little Chug (Chihuahua/Pug) with the sweetest personality. She was a little love magnet with a big smile and a constant tail wag. After the hundredth time of asking if we could take her home and every reason why she would be the best dog and I would never have to lift a finger ever again my position finally waivered. When the Muttville volunteer causally said she was going to take Evelyn home that night if no one adopted her, that sealed the deal and we knew we had to have her! Evie came home with us to Sacramento and has been a constant joy and bright spot in our lives. She shows us every day just how much she loves us and every day we have the conversation “can you imagine if we listened to you mom and we didn’t get Evie, can you imagine how horrible our lives would be?” And I know the answer and agree wholeheartedly because without a doubt Evie has enriched our lives beyond measure. We are so thankful that she adopted us and we can’t imagine our lives without her. Thank you Muttville for all you have done for us and countless others! I’m your biggest fan!
Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to success_stories@muttville.org with the subject line 'Success Story'.