Cashmere (aka Cinder)

Hi dear humans from Muttville,

We are all getting ready for our big move and I just wanted to say that Cashmere is doing great. So far, she’s lost 3 pounds.
We love her so much and we feel so lucky to have her with us. She leads the pack on our walks and barks at “intruders” she sees approaching our door, including her daddy… We are not teaching her any manners and she gets away with anything. She sleeps in the bed between us and with Francisco in his bed. She snores so loud that it sounds like a human sometimes.

Cashmere (aka Cinder)

We visited with Dr. Leah at San Rafael Vet in November and last week with our own veterinarian for all the trip check up, paperwork and even though she has her little cancer thing, her health is great and nobody could tell she has anything bad going on right now. We will leave the US on Feb 13 and whenever we settle in our new life in Brazil we will send you an update and pictures of our little girl, who will never wear a sweater again in her life! :)

Please enjoy some pictures and have a wonderful rest of the day!


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