Timmy (aka Hugo)

Timmy (previously Hugo) was a special guy and while being a bit of a curmudgeon he was like your favorite putzing grandfather. He was both of our first experience with a senior dog rescue and Tom’s first dog altogether. He loved to sleep under covers and especially loved hunting for snacks. He had a mischievous streak and in his old age learned to knock over garbage cans 4x his size. Further, he loved to rummage through an open Tupperware cabinet regardless of the fact there was nothing edible inside. No snack was safe on Timmy’s watch!

Timmy (aka Hugo)

He brought us so much joy in taking him camping and on any other adventure he was able to join (he did not like the sounds of the ocean/ beach). It was camping where we think he was happiest and able to just be in nature. We are so thankful to have had him for the 4 years that we did and feel confident he felt the same. For anyone reading this we hope you consider adopting a senior dog as it was one of the most rewarding relationships we could have imagined. Muttville gave us a special gift in Timmy and for that we are so grateful.

XO Adele and Tom


Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to success_stories@muttville.org with the subject line 'Success Story'.