Minnie (aka Fifi)

Hi Muttville,
I wanted to give you and update on Minnie (aka Fifi). It’s been a year now she’s been in my life. What a sweetie!! She loves the beach, other dogs (as long as they don’t steal her treats) and no longer thinks she should chase my chickens. In fact, the “queen” chicken chases her. Of course, she sleeps on my bed with Yogi, who’s 16, but she is certainly the Queen of the house. In the mornings, if I don’t get up when she’s ready for breakfast she proceeds to climb all over me! Did I mention she does this at 6:00 am? Since I’m retired we have a lot of time to play, walk, eat, sleep, and basically just love each other. You all are so great at what you do. Thank you again, from the deepest part of my heart. You’re all angels.

Minnie (aka Fifi)

Linda S.

P.s. I live in Ft Bragg and last week my neighbor adopted Tiger, a little poodle from you. Hopefully, someday, “the hood” will be full of Muttville adoptees.


Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to success_stories@muttville.org with the subject line 'Success Story'.