Poppy aka Puppet

Poppy aka Puppet

Lynda had sent us Poppy’s story in February, but Poppy suddenly passed away. She added this tribute:

“Poppy died in her sleep early morning of April 11. I didn’t realize she’d gone until I started to get out of bed because she died as she lived without causing any fuss.
My thanks to all of you at Muttville for giving me the opportunity to enjoy every minute of nearly two wonderful and magical years with that incredible little bundle of joy who was my Poppy. She made an impression on everyone she met and I don’t think I would have been able to make such an easy transition into my new life without her. Everyone on the staff in my vet’s office came out to kiss her little face and weep with me when I took her in this morning.
I will miss her for the rest of my life.”

Hello Muttville,

Nearly two years ago my Mom adopted me as a Fospice dog when I was called Puppet and I wanted to update you on how things are going. For starters I seem to have trained my Mom well because she can’t bear the thought of a day without me so takes really good care of me. For the first fifteen months I lived in Sonoma, which was great apart from the terrible fires. Then Mom decided it was time for a new life so we upped stakes and headed up Highway 5 to Oregon last Fall. I am so happy. We live in a complex with lots of other dogs, squirrels and people who think I’m a movie star so constantly stop me for my autograph. I run up and down 14 steps three times a day on the way out and in for strolls in the neighborhood. My horrible cousins (rat terriers and a fiendish cat) live a short drive away but the upside is I get to see my big human brother (photo attached in the woods up the street). So far I’ve been to the beach, peed in snow, found a vet who feeds me endless treats when I stop by to visit; I even have a boyfriend who’s a white poodle also called Poppy. He adores me, as well he should, but occasionally I have to keep him in line with a curl of my lip and a ferocious growl. Anyway, all of this to say I’m still going strong, love my life and have no intention of shuffling off this mortal coil any time soon – it would upset my Mom too much. Thanks for giving me a great start and for finding a new Mom for me – love Poppy.
