
It’s been about 4 months since I “foster failed” and adopted Xena in late September, 2018. Not even 12 hours after my housemate took off for a family vacation in Seoul for two weeks, I went into Muttville to pick out a foster dog. From the foster page of the Muttville website, a close friend had pointed her out, that she had “wise, lucid eyes”- and as soon as I laid eyes on Xena in person, I knew I wanted to foster her and only her.


At that time, I did not think I could commit to giving Xena or any pet beyond succulents a forever home. Boy, was I wrong-Feelings of affection, adoration, just pure love all changed that. I wanted to, HAD to make our lives work. The first two weeks of fitting Xena into my already hectic life made it so hard, I would be lying if I said I didn’t think about returning her. But the days passed by and it became the norm to see Xena hop off the couch and greet me at the front door.

Now I can’t imagine a life without Xena. I look forward to coming home from work or from being out every day just to see her. In fact, I love Xena so much, I try and take her wherever I go (so far, just a Napa day trip!) and I’m looking forward to driving down to Carmel Beach and Big Sur with my family and her alongside for the holidays.



Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to success_stories@muttville.org with the subject line 'Success Story'.