
September marked Sadie’s first adopt-a-versary. I wanted to give you a quick update on how far she has come in the past year.


Sadie is an incredibly tough girl. Thankfully, we have a wonderful vet that has worked tirelessly to get her healthy. I am happy to say that at her last checkup she was released with a clean bill of health. She has gained 6 pounds in the past year, had 14 teeth extracted (with two oral surgeries), she has been spayed, had a mammary tumor removed and has cleared all of the infections that riddled her body when we got her. Her fur has grown back so there are no longer bald spots on her back. We have even strengthened her back legs so she can go up and down our stairs on her own now. She even had her very own birthday party when she turned the big 11!

It seems everyday she gets better at something!

However, none of this would have been possible without you, your staff and your generous donors. This dog was at a crossroads and I strongly believe that she would not have survived had Muttville not taken her in. And because you did, we have had an incredible year with one of the sweetest dogs we have ever known. She is fully folded into our family and we can’t imagine our lives without her.

Thank you again for the amazing work that you continue to do.



Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to with the subject line 'Success Story'.