We feel like we really won the Cosmic Dog Lottery in 2018 with Jasper Milo (we kept his original name because it really suits him!). He is such a sweet and fun little dog, and he loves to walk. Without a doubt, the smartest dog we have ever owned, much as we have loved our other pooches. In the morning he loves to run around, chew his toys, and take long walks, and in the after to his crate when told. At night he sleeps all night in bed with us, snoring gently, but when the sun comes up, he’s ready to go. We had his DNA checked and he’s half Maltese, a quarter miniature poodle, and a quarter chihuahua. So when people ask what kind of dog he is, I tell them the three breeds! So many thanks to Muttville for bringing this joyful little pup into our lives!
Dave & Brett
Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to success_stories@muttville.org with the subject line 'Success Story'.