A Vet Suite Interview with Rosie and Poppy

Rosie and Poppy are Muttville alums that arrived at as a bonded pair of cuteness. Rosie is an 8 yr old Spaniel mix, and Poppy is a 10 yr old Chihuahua Mix. They were wondering what was in store for them at Muttville until they were happily adopted into a furever home.

A Vet Suite Interview with Rosie and Poppy

We were lucky enough to get some insight to their story while they were at Muttville.
Here’s an interview we did with them after their Vet Suite intake exam.

Muttville: Welcome to Muttville, you two are making quite a stir with all your cuteness. You went through your Intake exam at the Muttville Vet Suite, what was that experience like?

Rosie: Well, my little sister went first and she was kind of nervous. Then she started making all this noise like she got her tail caught in something. I was like “WHOA.”

Muttville: Wow, that sounds scary! Poppy can you tell us what was going on? What made you make that sound?

Poppy: Well, first of all, yes, I was kind of nervous! I was on this big tall table and my sister was on the ground checking in on me from where she was. My sister is pretty awesome.

A nice lady, who I learned is a volunteer, was holding me and telling me how cute I was. Another nice lady was feeling my back and legs, I think she was checking out how fit I was. I was feeling pretty relaxed.

But THEN… hang on, I need a minute… OkĀ¦ THEN, the volunteer hugged me a little tighter and I couldn’t see the other lady anymore. (I found out later she is Dr. Rader, DVM.) Next thing I know there’s something really cold in my butt!!!! Rosie told me it was thermometer. I didn’t appreciate it. As if that wasn’t enough I felt a huge SQUEEZE back there and that’s when I started screeching. In a moment of panic, my People Talk translator switched into overdrive, I heard Dr. Rader say something like “anal glands”and “express.”

Well, I wanted to express my way right out of the Vet Suite but the volunteer held onto me and told me everything was going to be OK. Once that was over, I hate to admit, I felt better. And I got some chicken. I love chicken.

Muttville: Wow, what a story! Poppy you’re a trooper. Rosie, did Poppy’s experience get you mentally prepared when your Intake Exam came up next?

Rosie: You know, I realized that it would be better for me to go with the flow. I just went into a “zone” and decided to stay calm. Dr. Rader told me I am gorgeous, which I love to hear and that I’m in good shape. Poppy and I like to take care of ourselves and it shows.

Muttville: So, we’re curious. What brought you to Muttville in the first place?

Rosie and Poppy became quiet.

Poppy: Our mama passed away. Rosie and I are still a bit shocked.

Rosie: When our mama passed, her daughter took us but she’s homeless. Even though she wanted us to be with her, she made a decision to make sure we would get the best care possible. It made us all sad but we appreciate that she wanted the best for us.

Muttville: Poppy and Rosie, we’re so sorry for your loss. We hope you feel the love at Muttville, they’re great at finding awesome forever homes.

Rosie: The humans at Muttville are so loving. They seem to understand that we’ve been through a tough loss and change and they’re spoiling us with the attention. We’re grateful.

Poppy: Times have been tough, but we both feel that we really landed on our paws. We’re getting so much love and attention. And can’t say enough about the chicken. The meals here are great!

And there you have it. A pair of brave sisters who found an amazing furever home. There’s always a second chance for seniors, all it takes is love!
