Ladie Bug aka Lady

Ladie Bug aka Lady

It is with a very heavy heart that I announce the passing of our beautiful, sweet Ladie Bug (AKA Lady). She was released from her failing body, at home on her sofa where she choose to be, surrounded by people who love and adore her. Ladie Bug had a funny spot on her X-rays that was indicative of a bone tumor. We had been keeping an eye on it for the past several months. It never developed the way these tumors usually do, getting bulbous and incredibly painful, but it did cause a limp which and loss of muscle which intensified over the past month. Through out it all her spirits were high. When her mobility became too comprised she let us know she was ready.

We now begin the journey of moving on in this world without her. Though she was only with us for a short time, not quiet 1.5 years, she made a profound impression on our hearts. We will miss her sweet goofy smiles, her midnight sing-a-longs with a passing fire engine, her excited digging in our yard. (It was hard to scold her with a serious tone, because she got such delight our of digging in that hard, dry soil).

Though she wouldn’t hurt a fly she had a massive bark that was quite intimidating. She loved the beach and walks, meeting other dogs and wondering off leash. She always came when she was called and adapted to the rules of our house quickly, fitting in as if she had always been here. She was patient and gentle with our small breed puppy who was just 8 months when Ladie Bug moved in. They became fast friends and the puppy became her student, studying the ways of her powerful howl and barking at the mail man. Tasks she will now have to carry out alone. Ladie never challenged our other domineering chihuahua for the alpha position. She was a peace keeper, never looking for a conflict.

The house is quieter now and feels empty with out her, but we take comfort in knowing that she left this world an old dog with an adoring human and k-9 family and a heart full of love.

Thank you Muttville, for bringing us together and allowing us the opportunity to be forever altered by this special creature who will be deeply missed.

Shannon & Neal
