

July 26, 2017

Dear Muttville,

With a very heavy heart, I write to tell you that we had to let go of our Muttville pup, Pence. Saved by Muttville in April 2015, Pesto, now renamed Pence, stole out hearts with his loving face, hopeful eyes, and oh, so skinny body. Since he seemed to be a fighter, determined to be happy and stay alive, we named him Pence, after SF Giant Hunter Pence. Though he could no longer field balls or catch any pop ups, Pence was playful, loving, gentle, and very stubborn. He survived life-threatening bloat, more than 11 teeth extractions, allergies, and severe arthritis. Pence was the old man of our family lab pack. Though we only had Pence with us until July 13, 2017, it was much longer than we ever thought that he could live due to his various health issues. But because of Pence’s stubbornness and our kind and talented vet, Dr. Atwal, Pence thrived and was a cherished member of our family. Pence blessed us. He stole our hearts. He taught us patience. He taught us kindness. We are heartbroken to say goodbye, but thankful to Muttville for rescuing him and allowing us to experience such love and joy from this old pup. Our only regret was that we wished we could have known him as a young pup too…

The Wright Family
~ Jeff, Maureen, Matt, Jon, and Kate Wright & our labs, Buzz and Woody

