Muffin 2712

Muffin has passed on, but not before giving and receiving a lifetime of love:

Muffin 2712

Hello friends at Muttville,

We said a very sad goodbye to our beautiful dachshund, Muffin (Muffin 2712), whom we adopted in Dec. 2014. Just before Thanksgiving, she developed pneumonia. While our amazing vets at Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center tried everything to help her through it, Muffin was not able to recover.

We miss our sweet girl immensely. Muffin was an absolute love to everyone she met and transfixed them with her gorgeous brown eyes. Formerly an indoor dog (her previous pet parent was 102 years old), Muffin loved exploring rose gardens, parks and most of all, Lake Tahoe. She was a calming presence to all, and shared her wonderful spirit with us and her 14 year old doxie “sister” for the past two years, thanks to Muttville. Muffin 🌹 Dec. 2006 – Nov. 2016.

On Dec. 4th, I submitted a donation in honor of Muffin to Muttville via my employer’s Corporate Giving program.

I also want to thank Sherri, who personally coordinated our introduction to Muffin on a cold, rainy night before any photos were available. How lucky we were!

Kind regards,
Karol & family

Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include 3 of your favorite photos and send to


Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to with the subject line 'Success Story'.