Apple 2406

With happiness comes tears. A story that makes our hearts sing for the loving family she found, and saddened to hear she has crossed the rainbow bridge. Thank you Susan for sharing Apple’s story:

Apple 2406

Apple moved in with us June 28, 2014. Us being Peggy, Susan, Dinky, Gussie, and Tansee. . .two humans and three dawgs. She quickly established herself as the eldest matriarch who loved scolding the other three for making too much noise.

Apple was devoted to Susan and Peggy; she was always in our laps under the blankets all nice and cozy. Apple was often very fickle; during the day time she cuddled with Peggy. At night it was Susan through and through. Apple was a chihuahua through and through! At bedtime her favorite place to sleep was in Susan’s left armpit. Don’t ask me why!!! She may have had no teeth but that never stopped her from enjoying her meals and cookies or giving daily kisses. Her tongue hung out on the right side, and only the right side. Like her mommie (Susan) she loved sunning in the backyard, often staying outside when everyone else went inside. We had to bring her inside from time to time. Going to places excited her; meeting new laps thrilled her; hiding under blankets soothed her. Her trademark pose was peeking out from under a blanket; we have millions of pictures of her in this pose. The two years, four months, and five days were full of experiences, laughter, kisses, and amazement.

Apple died on November 02, 2016. She was very clear that it was time. She went for her last walk that morning and made her last deposit :-). We were all with her when she died. She is home and has her own altar. In the two months since her death we feel her absence so keenly. Apple was and still is the queen.


It is not our differences that divide us.
It is our inability to recognize, accept and celebrate those differences.

Audre Lorde

Tu eres mi otro yo. (You are my other me.)
Si te hago dano a ti. (If I do harm to you.)
Si hago dana a mi mismo. (I do harm to myself.)
Si te amo y respeto, (If I love and respect you,)
Me amo y respeto yo. (I love and respect myself.)

Luis Valdez

Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include 3 of your favorite photos and send to


Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to with the subject line 'Success Story'.