Moxie & Biscuit (aka Baby and Buddha)

Kristi and Rob are “serial adopters” but they really showed us how big their hearts are when they adopted the mom and son duo Buddha and Baby, now named Biscuit and Moxie. Read their love story:

Moxie & Biscuit (aka Baby and Buddha)

Baby and Buddha, mom and son Pomeranians (now Moxie and Biscuit), were abandoned when their owner went into a nursing home. They were rescued by a group in Nevada that tried to get them adopted together, with no success – so they were brought to Muttville.

Muttville wanted to keep them together. They are so bonded and love each other so much – constantly lying together and licking each other’s faces. Moxie, the mom, always looks after her son – makes sure he eats before she does and watches him all the time.

My husband and I went to Muttville planning to adopt one dog, to add to our household of several other dogs. However, we fell in love with both Moxie and Biscuit and could see how bonded they were right away. Although we felt a little overwhelmed at the thought of two more dogs, we felt compelled to take them, to ensure they’d be kept together.

As it turns out, they are super easy dogs and blended into our family right away. They do so much together, it is almost like having just one additional dog! Although, they do have very different (but equally cute) personalities – Moxie is very outgoing, charming and funny, and Biscuit is shyer and quieter but super affectionate and loving.

We are so happy to have adopted them together – not just because we were able to guarantee that they remained together for life, but also because we love watching them together and seeing how they relate and enjoy being with each other. I can’t imagine separating them and am so thankful that Muttville kept them together.

Overall, I am now even more of a believer in adopting bonded dogs to keep them together. It’s clear how happy they are and how grateful they are to be together – and having been together their whole lives, they have similar habits and quirks, which makes it almost as easy as having one!


Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to with the subject line 'Success Story'.