Baby & Buddha

Baby & Buddha

Small (6-20 lbs)
Status: Adopted

Baby (black female) and Buddha (red male) are a precious, bonded-pair of Pomeranians who would like to remain together forever. They are mother and son.

Both are happy and well-behaved. They are very friendly, gentle and affectionate. They are good with other dogs. They enjoy spending time relaxing, both indoors and outdoors. They walk well on a leash and like car rides. They are crate-trained. Baby likes to sleep in a doggy bed while Buddha likes to sleep on the floor. Baby loves to smother her human in doggy kisses and Buddha gets vocally excited at dinner time. Baby and Buddha needed our help when their original owner was sent to a nursing facility and left them with a person who banished them to the backyard 24/7 and then threatened to have them euthanized.

Baby is 12 years old and Buddha is 11 years old. They are both just under 10 pounds.

The pair are truly adorable gems!

Read about Baby & Buddha's new life.

Baby & Buddha Baby & Buddha Baby & Buddha Baby & Buddha Baby & Buddha Baby & Buddha Baby & Buddha Baby & Buddha Baby & Buddha Baby & Buddha Baby & Buddha