We renamed Ref to Ziggy and he seems to be responding well to the change. (We love music and are David Bowie fans so it seemed fitting.)

This guy is sooo smart! We took him for his first grooming with us at Mudpuppy’s yesterday. He got the full package and when we came back to get him he was in the staff member’s arms. We were told that Ziggy is the smartest dog they have met because he went under the little front cages they had and he tried to go with another dog waiting and that was the first time any dog did that.
Ziggy seems to have adjusted to us, his food and treats. He is waking up a bit earlier than it seems like he wants, but he has been a trooper about it. He met most of our family at a birthday dinner and he was so comfortable with everyone and was sitting on lots of people’s laps and feet.
When Dom works he is usually sitting next to them in his bed or moving from sun spots to sun spots. He likes his sweaters we got him because it can get cold in the mornings with the weather.
He has a bed in every room in case he wants to get warm and hang with us if we move around.
Dominique & Alicia Arevalo
Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to success_stories@muttville.org with the subject line 'Success Story'.