Hi Muttville!
Saw your email about Muttville moments to celebrate turning 15. Here are two we wanted to share of our little sweetheart Marshall (called Junior Mint at Muttville).
The first one was just a few months ago on April 17, 2022 celebrating Marshall’s 13th birthday with a Go Car ride around San Francisco! He absolutely loves going on adventures and especially being in the car, so he had a blast in the Go Car cruising around SF checking out all the neighborhoods, stopping at lots of parks, and getting ice cream (vanilla is his favorite) :)
The second pic is from a trip to Seattle, WA in August 2021. We were hanging out in an Airbnb playing with Marshall and he was sitting in this funny pose that made us think of Titantic when Rose asks Jack to “draw me like one of your French girls.” My husband and I joke that in this pic Marshall was posing and looking at me saying “Mama, will you draw me like one of your French dogs?”
Congrats on 15 years at Muttville! Such an amazing organization!
With gratitude,
Teresa, Phil and Marshall