Muttville moment!

Muttville moment!

I’ve had many “favorite” dogs over the past 7 years, but there are two that will forever be cemented in my heart: Dottie and Speck, a (I think) mother/daughter duo who came in around the beginning of 2018. I came in one day for my daily lunchtime shift and no one was around (staff meeting I think?), but as I walked in to the Main Office these two little rugrats were running amok and I instantly fell in love! Once I was able to finally nab them I got them dressed and decided I would name them Dottie and Speck as they reminded me a lot of my friend’s mother and son dogs who had recently passed away (he named them after Pee Wee’s Big Adventure Emoji).

These two were super spazzes but timid at the same time, and it took a while for them to finally relax and let me pick them up! (I think they both had to get spayed so that likely helped!) The topic of separating them came up but I was like “NOOOOOOO!” It was clear that they loved each other SO MUCH. I spent as much time with them as I could and it was always the highlight of my day…I would grab them and bring them downstairs with me to help with laundry, and a couple times I brought them back to work with me for the afternoon where they would sit happily on my desk or lap. These two had so much personality it was ridiculous!

They were eventually adopted by a wonderful woman and her daughter, who changed their names to Frida and Rita and spoiled them rotten until they both passed away within a few months of each other in 2021. I never got to see them again but was so happy I got to follow their adventures on Instagram. Emoji

xoxo Dina

Muttville moment!
Muttville moment!
Muttville moment!
Muttville moment!
Muttville moment!
Muttville moment!
