


“It” was her eyes. They were dark downturned and almond shaped Through them I saw a soul that was bewildered by her transitions, while determined and brave. I was the first to comment on the posting of Salsa, 3645, What I said was. “I call dibs.” Despite the coiffure of an Ewok, she was a beauty. She may have been a Pommerian or Pomeranian mix, with black fur across her back and various shades gold and beige throughout.. On March 18, 2016 I came early to the adoption event. , She already had her makeover. Her fur was combed and two-thirds of her mane trimmed away . All I needed was a couple of kisses for my decision to adopt her to be irrevocable Coming early to the event was a good idea. Another person helping her friend pick a dog mentioned that she was cute “She is already adopted.” I informed them Her eyes twinkled riding a taxi to her new home.

Our relationship blossomed over time. Scooby, my last Muttville alumnus, was my buddy, my sidekick, always ready to instigate fun and games Despite her overwhelming sweetness, I feared I could never I could never love her as I loved Scooby. In time, I came to love her as much, albeit differently. With the Jewish tradition, I choose the first letter of the name of someone whom I loved and lost. Salsa became Sage in her remaining time she graced the earth. I felt maternal and innocent much like a child adores a favorite doll When it was time to dress up she allowed her siky belly to roll up. Her legs went limp, allowing me to easily slip them through the sleeves of a classic knit, a shiny gold dress and an array of raincoats We just a couple old fashionistas out on the town.

Her uniquely attractive appearance and incredible sweetness gained her celebrity status. I became accustomed to finding people taking selfies with her or asking to simply take her photo. Occasionally, I threatened to buy her sunglasses and a bitg hat so the paparazzi in hopes she might be unrecognizable, Everywhere we went Sage got the looks with her look.

During our time together I never witnessed behavior that tarnished the innocence and sweetness of her nature. She approached other dogs slowly. An overly rambunctious puppy would be tolerated without flinching. Undaunted, Sage quietly walked away from snarling, aggressiveness dogs as if she could or be bothered.with issues of another canine. From time to time she licked the face of a canine acquaintance I was the only one she commanded. In that case it was a stare and stand ”technique. If she stood by the front door or food dish what she wanted from me was clear

Sadly time took away her ability to make her legs respond to her will to move, Her eyesight diminished and her desire to explore put her in unpleasant places, I believe she is at peace now Accepting that she is gone is not easy. IAeq know the box with her ashes sits in a shrine. Yet no less vivid is my vision of her eyes, the gaze we exchanged. It told me she knew how much I loved her and she loved me.

Original profile

Spice up your life with some Salsa! This fluffball is full of love. She gets along great with other dogs of all sizes, and loves meeting new people. Salsa is so easy going and adaptable, she fit in at Muttville right away! She also is a dream to walk on leash. What more could you ask for?

We think Salsa is 7 years young, weighing about 10 lbs.

