

I met Tucker on September 17, 2011 at a Muttville adoption fair in Mill Valley, CA. I wasn’t seriously looking to adopt yet. I wanted to “just take a look” at the kind of dogs Muttville rescued and learn what I would need to do to live with a dog.

When I arrived, Tucker’s foster mom greeted me. I told her I was thinking of adopting my first “maybe medium-sized” dog (which in my head was 40‑45 lb, a size I thought I could independently lift into my car if I ever had a sick dog that needed to go to the vet). She pointed to Tucker and said “he’s medium-sized.” I didn’t have the heart to tell her that, well, no, he’s a pretty large dog. (I later found out he was “medium” to her because she lived with two 120‑130 lb Rhodesian ridgebacks). To be polite, I sat down on the ground to chat with her and meet Tucker.

Immediately Tucky put his head on my lap and I started to cave – maybe I could be ready to adopt a dog now? The following weekend, I took him for a trial weekend from his foster family. Antonia, Ari, and Anja drove to SF to meet us. We went to Golden Gate Park. Tucker put his head on my lap again. I adopted him from Muttville the following weekend, October 1, 2011.

Tucker had multiple nicknames over the course of his seven years with me. Some were my names of affection for him. Some were given by friends and family: Tucker. Tucky. Tuckster. Tucky-two-times. (Ken)Tucky. Tuck-meister. Mr T. Tolerant Tucker. Tucky-bucky. Big man. Big boy. Turkey. Tolerant Tucker came about because of how wonderful he was around kids.

I always thought he was the most handsome mutt (see his model shot). Even in his final days – and when he was put to sleep – he looked handsome, carrying such grace.

He had a funny penchant for meditating by sticking his head in plants. And, like so many dogs, he embodied unconditional love. Adopting him was the best thing I did at that time in my life. Feeling his love helped me realize that my life at that time wasn’t going the way I wanted and I needed to make changes.

Tucker has been with me for major events in my life. Images: Ringdog at Gabe’s and my mawwage; Vienna’s arrival; Mateo’s arrival; Pretty’s adoption.

Tucker has always shared the same predilection for sleep as my other main man, Gabriel. More images: Snuggled into my sleeping bag next to Gabe during a camping trip (he took over my sleepsack as soon as I stepped out for a nighttime potty break); Snuggled one last time with Gabe and Mateo two nights ago. (For the past week Gabe, Mateo and I have been camped out, sleeping on mats in our sleeping bags next to Tucker.)

And: Tucker’s final resting place, in the back yard looking west to the sunset and up the hill to our home.

Thank you, Tucker, for seven beautiful years of unconditional love. We love you right back.

September 7, 2018

