

I adopted sweet hospice gal Cosmo. She was barely available when I snagged that sweet girl to foster, and when she was ruled as hospice, I couldn’t help but to keep that sweet baby, and keep her comfortable and happy for her last few months. She was with us for a total of 9 months. When she first got to Muttville and at her first vet visit with us, they didn’t give her more than a couple weeks to live.

Cosmo was such a special lady. At the time I adopted her, I was going through a very rough time due to mental health issues and there is no other way to put it but to say Cosmo saved my life. She exterminated all those sick suicidal thoughts in my head, and if it wasn’t for her getting into my life, I probably wouldn’t be here now. She taught me even when I thought I was worthless, someone or something out there could use my help and my love.

When she passed in April, I had just come out of the hospital, where they were finally able to give me the right diagnoses. She pretty much picked the pup we adopted then, and when I was finally more stable and on the right track, my sweet baby left me. It has been almost five months and there has not been one day since that I don’t think about her.

Cosmo was my sweet angel. When I thought I was saving her life, she was actually saving mine.

I try and look for every single way there is to cherish my baby girl, and so I thought of asking if you could possibly post her little memorial with the other ones on the website. Cos has such a sad story (or so we think) before she got to Muttville, and seeing her flourish and bubble up (bubbles was her nickname) to become my best friend was the most rewarding thing that has ever happened in my life.

