

Very sad time for my family.

Yuki: Though you were on the earth for 16+ years, and was with us for a little less than 5 FEISTY years, you became a very important part of our family. We will miss you peanut. You loved Laurie and hugged her with your eyes every time you looked at her, you tolerated Tom putting his face into yours, and never seemed to mind the unsolicited love he gave you, and me, well all I can say is you put the Alpha male in his place and gave me the honor of serving as a good ball thrower and surrogate walker when Laurie was busy.

You will always have a place in my heart, and “The Year of the Dog” will have even more meaning for me when I think of your cuteness and spirit. Thank you for the joy you gave us all.

And thank you Muttville for showing us the true meaning and joy of what it means to be “a foster failure.”
