Hank, Jr.

This week makes nearly seven months with Hank Jr., and we couldn’t be more in love with our sweet, cuddly, and slightly neurotic delight of a dog.

Hank, Jr.

Having Texas roots ourselves, we were excited to hear that Muttville had a group of seniors from Houston after the hurricane hit, and were immediately taken with Hank Jr. Since we brought him home, he’s come out of his shell considerably. Hank loves to be in on the action, and can usually be found either in our laps receiving pets or at our heels as we go about the apartment. He gives lots of kisses on the nose and charms everyone he meets with his big brown eyes.

Hank Jr. even traveled with us to Washington D.C. over the holidays, where he experienced snow for the first time! He was unfazed by the flakes but didn’t like the cold one bit—we think he’s now a California dog through and through.

Thanks again to Muttville for bringing us our furry family member, who has enriched our lives in so many ways.

Maggie and Madeleine


Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to success_stories@muttville.org with the subject line 'Success Story'.