
When Parmesan, a scruffy, rude and unwanted 14-year-old Poodle mix first came to Muttville, he preferred having things his own way, and let everyone know it. A walk meant going out when there were no other dogs on the street. A drive in the car was equally challenging — Parmi’s constant barking and agitation proved he didn’t like or trust anybody.


Thankfully Muttville did not give up on this senior dog and worked hard to find him a home. Joe and Jill attended one of Muttville’s weekend adoption events, where they were introduced to its founder and Top 10 CNN Hero, Sherri Franklin. Sherri immediately said, “Have I got a dog for you!” and introduced them to Parmi. When Joe was skeptical, Sherri quietly added, “Just look at him; he really needs to get out of here.”

Looking at things from the dog’s point of view softened Joe, and he and Jill decided to foster Parmi temporarily. Within a couple of weeks they grew attached to him and didn’t want to risk losing him to anyone else, so they finalized the adoption.

Two years later, Parmi is a calm and loving charmer who attracts affectionate encounters with strangers and other dogs anytime he goes out. But Parmi has earned even higher regard in his family.

Recently, Joe, Jill, and Parmi were at San Francisco’s Stern Grove, enjoying some off-leash exercise time. Joe had just read a warning sign about coyotes sighted in the park. Suddenly, for no apparent reason, Parmi took off running as fast as he could, which is no easy task for a senior dog. The family called to him and gave chase, but he wouldn’t stop or even slow his pace. As he raced away and up a steep hill, Joe realized that, despite exercising regularly, there was no way he could keep up with Parmi. He was completely out of breath and unable to take another step. Fortunately, a kind-spirited professional dog walker was able to call and catch Parmi.

Concerned about his lack of breath, Joe contacted a cardiologist who determined that he needed a double bypass — immediately. Fortunately, the surgery was completed successfully, and Joe is recovering nicely. Joe’s doctor said, “With your bad heart it was inevitable. One day soon you would have been gone, just like that!”

It was Parmi who first helped Joe discover his heart disease and the need to address it right away. Joe wondered if there was a coyote at the park that day, or what else could have made Parmi take off running like that. “I prefer to think it was serendipity, gratitude, love and Muttville! Parmi saved my life,” says Joe. “He’s a rescue dog who returned the favor.”


Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to with the subject line 'Success Story'.