Wee Willie

We adopted Wee Willie in 12/2016, via a Muttville partner up in Nevada County; and, are so incredibly thankful! It had been over 5 years since our two beloved dachshunds passed; and, we had both recently retired. Life was “change­ mode” for us. And then we discovered Muttville! In came Wee Willie…This lil’ guy is a 14 yo, 6 lb longhaired Chihuahua…. BUT, Willie has the biggest personality. His Foster Mom described him as “pleasantly independent”. Heck, we didn’t know what that meant. We soon discovered. You would never guess his age. Willie is full of spunk and personality. Loves walks, meeting new people and their pups. We think he may have a bit of Boarder Collie in his bloodline, because he is happiest when we are all together in the same room! This pup is a love, and will lick your face for hours! He’s great at the groomers, and is a real flirt with new people. I could go on and on about him. Bottom line, we are so, so thankful our Wee Willie has come home to us; and, are soooo thankful for Muttville!

Wee Willie

XOXOXO ~ Frank, Russ, and Wee Willie, Guerneville CA.


Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to success_stories@muttville.org with the subject line 'Success Story'.