Peanut #3901

Peanut #3901

Peanut (or Mr. Peanutto as we like to call him), passed over the rainbow bridge a little while back. He wasn’t our first or last dog to pass away, but there was something so special about him and his energy.

Peanut was loved by us and every single dog in our house. I have a million pictures of him, and in at least half, one or two different dogs/fosters are snuggled up next to him, watching over him, making sure he was safe. He was just so small and precious! I took him everywhere in one of those doggy bjorns and the majority of times, no one ever knew he was there since he would fall asleep. (Okay, except for that one time he smelled steak and then tried to burst through my jacket at a brew-pub and gave the restaurant a re-enactment of the scene from Alien. They were confused, then terrified, then all laughed hysterically when his head popped out.) When people did see him, one arm slung out the side of the pouch, just relaxing or sleeping, they all would come running to pet him and ask questions. He because an unofficial ambassador for senior dog rescues and hospice care, opening up their eyes to the needs of these dogs and how much love they still had to give. He even travelled as far as Idaho by car and was a perfect angel. Well, mostly – he did nothing to get me out of a speeding ticket. His cuteness was no match for an officer trying to make a quota in a speed trap in the middle-of-nowhere Nevada. What I probably miss the most is him immediately falling asleep with his head tucked under my chin as soon as I laid him on my chest. Best way to binge-watch Netflix on the weekends.

I know it wasn’t an easy decision for his first mom to let someone with more time and experience for a special needs/hospice dog take care of him at the end, but I am grateful she did. He did need constant monitoring, hand fed, cleaned up after (he just went when he felt the urge, and who was I to judge?), monitored, medicated, and a lot of soothing, special attention, and that is not an easy thing to do. Please let her know that he lived like a king and was truly, truly loved by everyone in our house. He passed away in our living room, surrounded by myself, my husband, and the other dogs who adored him.

Things Peanut loved:
Laying in the sun
Super soft blankets & beds
Going to pubs
Head scratches
Soft food
More sun

There will always and forever a peanut-shaped hole in my heart, but I am so thankful for the time we had together.
Attached are just a few pictures that I hope will make everyone smile.

