Jimmy 3590

It is also Jimmy’s birthday! Mom Meaghan tells us:

Jimmy 3590

Jimmy turns 16 today and he has not slowed down one bit in the year and a half we have had him. If anything he has more puppy energy now than ever. He runs around the house chasing a ball or one of his other toys every day. Jimmy enjoys long walks exploring the city. He’s done his fair share of traveling including flights to Toronto and Vancouver.

I think Jimmy’s favorite thing in the world is food. He has an amazing talent for opening all sorts of things you need thumbs for to get to something tasty.

There is no way to express how much joy he has brought us. He brings a smile to just about everyone’s face when we are on our walks. We are so thankful to Muttville for bringing Jimmy into our lives. We have become crazy pet parents and would have it no other way. I hope that we are bringing as much love and joy into his life as he has brought to ours.

Thank you Muttville!


Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to success_stories@muttville.org with the subject line 'Success Story'.