Sophie (aka Jessie 3686)

Thank you Sundari for sharing the sweet story about Sophie’s lucky day:

Sophie (aka Jessie 3686)

Sophie Finds a New Home

On April 23 we made the long trek to Muttville from Mill Valley in the hope of taking home a new little friend named Ginger whom we had admired on the website. Unfortunately for us, by the time we got there she had been adopted by another lucky family. We were still missing our beloved Maggie (a beautiful black and gold kelpie) who had left us just 2 1/2 months earlier and it was hard to imagine that anyone would really be able to take her place. Somehow looking at all the other furry friends there at Muttville just made us feel her absence even more acutely.

We met two adorable dachshunds and several other really sweet older dogs. But we kept noticing one very tiny little chihuahua with a pretty pink collar who kept to herself and seemed to just want to sit in a little patch of sun looking off into space. Just as we were thinking maybe…. a little girl snatched her up with delight and it looked like she was suddenly taken. But the dear volunteer who helped us (Mary) said, “Don’t give up. Just wait and see. If she puts her down, she’s yours.” A little while later, her tiny paws hit the floor and we found ourselves signing papers.

The amazing Muttville staff sent her off with a bed, a blanket, a collar and leash and a supply of home-cooked dog food. What an amazingly kind and caring group of people they are! We were a little nervous because little Sophie seemed so distant and aloof – never looking us in the eye or showing any interest in her new family. But a ride back home snuggled on her new mom’s lap got us thinking she might just be the perfect new friend.

Little by little we all realized that she IS absolutely perfect. She is so affectionate – an amazing little bundle of love! She has taken over Mom’s home and is a little princess who wins the heart of everyone who meets her. Dogs are so special. So often she completely changes the feeling in a room just by walking in. And her welcoming dance when we come for the weekend is really something to see. She flies around in circles or leaps through the air like a little ballerina.

One of her favorite pastimes is helping Mom down the hall with her walker. Sophie’s idea of helping is seeing how many times she can dart in and out of the walker as Mom walks. And she can often be found sitting at Mom’s feet or even parked right under her wheelchair.

We are so glad we found Sophie and so grateful to Muttville for giving this wonderful little girl another chance to brighten up someone’s life.

Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include 3 of your favorite photos and send to


Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to with the subject line 'Success Story'.