Jules #3207

Mutt mom Shery tells us today is Jules’ adopt-a-versary. We’re celebrating today by featuring their love story. Jules has quite the humor! Enjoy:

Jules #3207

It’s been almost one year since Muttville gave me my new name and a forever home. I am SO GRATEFUL. You see, I was a 9 year old mini poodle that was found as a stray in the Bay Area, and I had a few “issues,” some requiring surgery. Muttville took me in and saved me, and my new family is so very happy to have me as their “baby.” They are “sort of” old folk….well, they might not like me saying that, as they are not even retired, but they miss their children and grandchildren, as they live far away. I have brought much joy into their lives, just by being me!

There were a few adjustments at first. They had 4 cats that I had no problem with at all, but the cats sure weren’t happy to see me. We are mostly friends now, though. I am just so easy going and friendly, and I always try to please. My Mom and Dad say I am the sweetest little thing, and they love me so much.

I get to travel with my family, too. Mom works part time, and I get to go with her to her job at a small airport. Once I even got to fly in a small plane to visit relatives in Southern California. Mom said I was “near perfect” when we stayed in a hotel once, too.

One special thing Mom and I did together was get some special training so I could be a “Therapy Dog.” That means that I get to go into hospitals and care homes and visit sick and elderly people. The people there all love to see me, and I love to see them, too. Mom tells me all the time how special I am to lots of people! Thank you so much Muttville for allowing me to get to do new and fun things with my forever home in my “golden” years!

Something that happened recently was that my Dad saw a little black puppy two days in a row on a busy street near our home. He finally convinced Mom that we should pick him up and try to find his home. Mom tried very hard to find who he belonged to, but nobody seemed to want him, so guess what…………I now have a brother. Mom really didn’t want a puppy, and that’s why Muttville Senior Dog Rescue was chosen to find me, but “Victor” needed us, and is fitting in, and most of the time, I like to have him around. I do have to “snap” at him occasionally when I am tired of playing with him, but he is an okay puppy, and I like having a brother. Mom likes to tell the story that I used to be fussy about what I’d eat. She thinks I was just given table scraps or had to scrounge for food, and she wanted me to eat healthy (and expensive) dog food. Well, now that Victor is here, I eat whatever is put down for me, because if I don’t, Victor eats it first! Mom likes it that I am no longer fussy about what I eat!

Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include 3 of your favorite photos and send to success_stories@muttville.org


Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to success_stories@muttville.org with the subject line 'Success Story'.