

Teddy (AKA Ace) was a Hearing Service Dog for 14 years! He was responsible to a deaf person to relieve their fears! Teddy’s job involved alerting the person to the phone ringing, the door bell, the fire and smoke alarm and signaling which device! Teddy never knew the joy of jumping in a humans lap, chasing a ball, giving big juicy doggy kisses. His entire life involved serving a human. In retirement he had no home to go to and didn’t have the charms of a family pet! I heard his story and couldn’t bare the idea of service doggy dying alone after years of service to a human! Teddy was at Muttville being loved and cared for. I thought this sweet doggy, who has devoted his whole life to a human, deserved a family that could love and spoil him!

Neville, my Shih Tzu, and I took the ferry to Muttville and brought Teddy home with us! It quickly became apparent that at some point Teddy had been abused. I took to laying on the floor holding him, cuddling and talking in his ear about how much he was loved! Teddy took long naps but if he was awake he followed me everywhere! I was so impressed at how much he loved me, but I was being a Pollyanna. After a couple months of Teddy following me around I realized I was his new job. Despite his severe lameness, sometimes moving down the hall like a seal, he insisted on being at my side. Teddy taught us so much about love and the will to live! Teddy was a joyful appreciative eater! I loved the the way he sat and stared at me while I completed the crossword puzzle or read the newspaper! No matter how often I told him I’d be right back, there he was dutifully limping behind me, just in case I might need his help!

In this last month his health took a turn for the worst and I needed to honor his dignity and make a decision I never wanted to make! We spent the last two days eating treats, laughing, cuddling on the floor, making the most of ever moment! My sweet Dr. Meyers had set everything up perfectly. I laid on a big soft doggy bed with my Teddy in my arms and feed him wet cat food, doggy treats and told him how happy he made me! Teddy had the heart of a lion! He was a faithful service dog and he died a service dog!
Teddy left my arms and made his transition to the Rainbow Bridge! Teddy is no longer lame, deaf, blind and his lungs are pink, no more fibrosis. I love the idea that he is running free like a puppy! The house is so empty without the click, clicking of his paws! I am heartbroken!

