
Let’s help celebrate Drummer’s Adoptaversary this month! Thank you to Jordan for giving an amazing life to this Muttville senior boy. Read about their sweet love story:


I adopted Drummer from Muttville in October 2014, and could not have brought home a sweeter dog. I’d like to share my favorite moments with Drummer:

- Drummer used to be so sad that he couldn’t sleep on my bed, he would find anything that smelled like me and sleep on it. He’s made himself comfortable on my backpack, and even on top of my leather boots. I finally gave in and let him sleep on my bed.

- Drummer is so eager to make friends that we once caught him trying to introduce himself to a concrete statue of a dog.

- When I first got Drummer, a 30 minute walk was a struggle for him. Now, he can play at the dog park for hours before I have to drag him home. The dog park crowd is very impressed with how strong he has gotten!

- A big dog once snapped at Drummer as we were walking by, and Drummer’s first reaction was go back and introduce himself to this dog while wagging his tail.

- Drummer loves food so much, I once caught him trying to eat a dead bumblebee.

Thank you Muttville!


Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to success_stories@muttville.org with the subject line 'Success Story'.