
Hudson is fondly remembered here at Muttville, so we were sad when we received this message on October 30. Our thoughts and condolences to Bea and Len, who gave him a most wonderful, loving life:

It is with great sorrow that I am reporting the loss of Hudson. We only had him with us for 5 months but he brought so much love and joy to our home. He was noble, gentle, kind and so happy all the time, a joy to be around. He loved life at our little hobby farm home, fed the horses and goats with us every night and enjoyed friendships with all our other animals. His arthritis meds. and acupuncture treatments were helping him a great deal and he loved exploring our pasture.

Unfortunately he experienced a sudden brain/central nervous system problem Monday night, very unexpected and sad. He developed a head tilt but it was not the vestibular syndrome old dogs can recover from, it was possibly a brain tumor. Hudson went downhill within a day, he was hospitalized but just kind of left his body, he had no awareness of his surroundings and would not move or respond. It was so fast and he had been his happy self just the day before. He was slipping away so fast the doctors and we agreed the kindest thing for Hudson was to put him to sleep peacefully and gently. We are shocked still that he is gone. There will be a huge empty spot in our hearts and home for a long time. Thank – you all for allowing us to adopt Hudson and to have shared our lives, though way too brief, with this wonderful dog.


Keep well,

Bea and Len


Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to with the subject line 'Success Story'.