Poor Brinnie girl passed away surrounded by loving friends and volunteers.
Original profile
From Rescuer-We rescued Brownie while living in Puerto Rico. We took her with us when we left Puerto Rico and moved to New York. Once in New York we noticed that Brownie was having mobility issues. A CT scan at Cornell revealed that she has a broken back and neurological problems. She was not a good candidate for surgery. She goes to physical therapy to help maintain mobility and we work with a neurologist to manage her pain medication; all at Sage Veterinary Specialists. In New York we had a back yard for her and I was working from home and able to give her a lot of time.
Since arriving in California, I started working full time in an office. My husband goes home at lunch to walk her but she is not getting the attention she once did and still needs. Additionally, we now live in an apartment complex. We also have a long walk to get her from our apartment unit to the grassy area outside. When she is not feeling well we have to carry her outside, which has become difficult for me because I am 6 months pregnant.
Brownie is a very sweet girl. She has no aggressive behaviors. She gets along well with our cat and is good with other dogs. She is house trained but not crate trained. She does not have any anxiety or separation issues and has never destroyed anything in our home. She love ear rubs, pets, and sleeping in the sun.
Ideally, Brownie needs to be in a home with a back yard and an owner that is home to care for her and take her to physical therapy. She has a lot of love to give and many years left. We want her to be in a home where she is loved and well taken care of. Attached are some pictures of our sweet girl.
Thank you in advance for your help in re-homing Brownie.