
Not only is Ponky adorable, she has an equally adorable name and success story too! Thanks to mom Nadine for sharing this inspiring story with us.


“I adopted Ponky in January 2012 when she was approximately 10 years old. The day I picked her up she had just had mammary tumors removed. She had stitches from her neck to her groin and she laid like a little baby in my arms. The first picture is her with her collar on and PRETTY miserable. She recovered quickly only to have a second surgery in April for additional mammary tumors and to be spayed. She once again recovered quickly and now is the happiest girl ever! I have enclosed a picture of her running on the beach one month after her second surgery.
Ponky comes to school with me almost everyday ( I teach at San Francisco State University) and brings a joy to the classroom that I have not seen. My students take turns holding her. Some have said they feel more relaxed making presentations when she is present.

Because she brings so much joy to my self and others, I take her to a nursing home in San Rafael once a week. She lays on beds, sits on patients laps, or whatever a patient wants (picture attached). The patients light up when they see her. Some of them have not spoken in days to humans, but when they are holding Ponky, they start speaking to her. It is truly a miracle, the happiness she brings to young and old.

Because she is so well behaved she travels everywhere with me. In a 1.5 years, she has been to New York 4 times. My family loves her and she loves them. She stays in her travel bag under the seat in front of me and does not make a peep. People comment when we depart the plane, saying, they had no idea I had a dog with me, and then they ask if I sedated her. I have never needed to.

As you can see, she is an angel and I am the luckiest girl in the world to have had Sherri place Ponky in my arms the day I came to her door and say I want to adopt a dog. I have so many more wonderful things to tell you about her but, I don’t want to overdo it.

Thank God for Muttville. I hope Ponky’s success story helps spread the story of how much joy a senior dog can bring to one’s life."


Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to success_stories@muttville.org with the subject line 'Success Story'.