On my 53rd birthday this year, my beloved Dutchess (rescued 16 years ago) crossed the Rainbow Bridge and left the hugest hole in my heart. Her last months were rounds of meds, IV fluids, numerous trips her Dr., special diets and then finally whatever she would eat. Some thought it was extreme, I thought they were nuts even questioning my efforts. This was my baby after all, why would I not go to any length for her comfort and care. But finally on that day, I knew what she was telling me.

I had let some time pass, but to no avail, my empty lap needed love and companionship and I knew there was a soul out there Dutchess would lead to me. I started the search specifically for a Senior dog, any special needs or age was a non issue for me. This is when I came across Muttville and Sherri Franklin. I sent her my story and she did not hesitate, she knew EXACTLY who was meant to find her way to my lap and into my heart – Annabelle aka Annie. The second I met Annie I knew Dutchess had led me to her. Interestingly enough, Annie Lauck from Muttville, who took care of all our paperwork, transition etc was from my home town and my Aunt had worked for her family at a jewel of a bakery there for years and years. I knew it was meant to be and because of her, Annabelle became Annie :-) and came home with me June 1, 2012.
With her precious under bite and missing tooth, she became an immediate part of the family and I became hers. It was if we had been together for years. Annie travels everywhere with me, and I mean everywhere, weekend road trips, the Sierra’s, Monterey etc… Wherever I am, she is too. This year she participated in the American Cancer Society San Francisco’s Crissy Field Relay For Life (one of my passions) and stepped into some rather large shoes becoming Relay’s honorary Relay Dog (Dutchess holding the previous administration :-) ). Everywhere we go, everyone loves Annie!
Things she loves: her new family, her little tennis balls and loves to play fetch, stealing socks, stealing the soap from the bathtub, jumping in the swimming pool to reach me, short little walks because of her short little legs (longer walks yes, she does have a stroller LOL) and weekends! Things she doesn’t love: Grooming appointments (separation anxiety), and strangers (but only at first).
We have found our forever home with each other and I am so grateful to Sherri and Muttville for all she does, but especially for filling my empty lap and broken heart, and for Annie never having to ever ever be hungry, thirsty, scared or alone again.
We love you Muttville!
Michele Phillips and Annie
If you adopted a Muttville dog, we would love to feature you in an upcoming ‘Success Story’. Please contact success_stories@muttville.org with the Subject line ‘Success Story’
Adopt. Foster. Volunteer. Donate.
Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to success_stories@muttville.org with the subject line 'Success Story'.