T-Bone, Mr T, The T Man, was one of those scraggly poodles we get rescue requests for every day. He was dumped along with his sister and another small white poodle, and when they arrived at Muttville all three were really sad cases – matted, unwanted and stressed out.

After sleeping for almost a full 24 hours, the three little dogs started to explore. That was when we realized that T-Bone was blind. He had an exuberance, happily bouncing into things, that is rare to see with blind dogs in a new surrounding. But while both his rescue mates quickly found homes, Mr. T was waiting and waiting.
There was some good news: The vet told us T ‘s blindness could be cured with surgery. The surgery was expensive, and we didn’t have the money, but we did have darling pictures of our blind little poodle. So, some of you may remember, we decided to send out a newsletter describing T’s situation. We needed $3500 to operate on both his eyes.
Your generosity was overwhelming. It allowed our boy to see again! And he got a great new home. I think that his family might have adopted him even if he was blind, because from the minute they met him, he was stuck in their minds and hearts.
You make things happen like this everyday. Your generosity means we can save lives and give second chances to these wonderful beings.
It feels so good to know that there are people out there in the world that help – in all ways: volunteering, fostering, adopting, donating.
Thanks to all of you!
Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to success_stories@muttville.org with the subject line 'Success Story'.