Detective Tinkerton was a very special little fellow!
He was rescued by Muttville back in 2010. Janice Serilla and her husband Niall from Santa Cruz adopted him within months of Muttville taking him.
The Detective was abandoned in a vacant apartment in San Francisco and when found, was emaciated and covered in fleas. Who knows how long he was left alone. He was also pretty blind, somewhat deaf, had hardly any teeth, an old jaw injury from who knows what, a fistula (which was an abnormal connection between his sinus cavity and his mouth. So basically he had a hole into his mouth from his nose) which was very infected, he had a suspected brain tumor and a mass in his belly, low blood sugar and had mobility issues due to something possibly pressing on his spine. He was in very bad shape. It was very obvious that his previous owner never had taken him to a Veterinarian for care.
Even with all his health problems, he had the will like no one had ever seen. He was the happiest little old fellow and would greet anyone openly.
Janice and Niall adopted him with the knowledge that his days were numbered due to his conditions. They wanted to give him the best ending to his life and wanted him to know what it was like to be unconditionally loved in his last few shorts months. Tink passed away on April 5th 2011. He lived much longer than what was had expected. Read his story in full here on Janice’s website, Gimpy Pets.
‘Tink’ inspired Janice to continue to adopt seniors and disabled animals. She was also inspired to start a pet related business to help promote the positive light in caring for a disabled pet. Janice started the website Gimpy Pets.com which she writes about all sorts of pet related issues on her blog as well as has designed pet products with a message. Her pet adoption message t-shirts and her Detective Tinkerton products sell on her Gimpy Pets Zazzle store. 10% of all Gimpy Pet’s sales go to help animals in need.
Muttville, Janice and Niall thank Detective Tinkerton for being a part of their lives. He definitely had something very special about him. He touched so many that met him. Rest in Peace little fella! We miss you and will love you forever as well as will never forget you!
It’s never too late for a new beginning!
If you adopted a Muttville dog, we would love to feature you in an upcoming ‘Success Story’. Please contact success_stories@muttville.org with the Subject line ‘Success Story’3/22/12