Lynn and Milo

In Lynn’s words:
I began an online search for our next dog six months after Hootie, our terrier mix, died of a heart attack two weeks before his sixteenth birthday. My husband, Lee, and I were still grieving and might have waited awhile before taking on another dog, but our eight-year-old Roxie, a senior herself, was lonely and in need of a friend. I can’t say how, but the minute I saw Milo on the Muttville website, I knew he was our dog. Muttville was quick about setting up a meeting with Milo’s wonderful foster mom, Nancy, who arranged a meeting with Milo in Golden Gate Park.
It was love at first sight for me! How could anyone not fall in love with Milo – a tiny, gray and white, eleven-year-old gentleman in need of a forever home. What a funny old fellow, with his pointy face, big ears, and a mane of soft, white hair covering his neck and back and chest. He stood uncertainly on long spindly legs and looked up at me cloudy-eyed, while Nancy explained that Milo had recently been treated for Giardia, in addition to major dental work. He looked like a fur covered skeleton and weighed in at just seven pounds. I looked at Lee and he nodded. Roxie and Milo had connected. He came home with us that day.
At first, Milo was bewildered to find himself in still another strange place, but was quickly won over by love, affection, and my home-cooked meals of meat, sweet potatoes, brown rice and vegetables, which he gobbled down like there was no tomorrow. It took us three weeks to teach this old dog the new trick of using the dog door to our fenced-in back yard – but once he caught on and realized he could go in and out whenever he chose, he was one happy guy.
Today, four months later, Milo, a treasured family member, weighs almost nine pounds. He and Roxie are fellow pack members. She likes and looks out for him, and they often curl up together on the couch or on one of their dog beds during the day. At night they sleep close together in our family bed, with Milo’s boney little body snuggled between the three of us. There is no doubt that he has stolen our hearts, with his endearing way of pressing his little head against our legs in a gesture of affection, and with his wagging tail and joyful bark that lets us know he feels safe and content in his new, forever home.
Our heartfelt thanks to you, Muttville, for sheltering this precious, little old dog until we came to claim him."
- Lynn