

12 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

We know you are at this very moment recovering from a dramatic swoon that has left you speechless and breathless. It’s okay. The same thing happened to us when we gazed upon the cute floof Yahtzee. There’s nothing else to say. So cute, we fainted. Hurry up and adopt him please, none of us can get any work done.

Here’s a note from his foster:

Yahtzee is a lovely little gentleman, and he is like a teddy bear come to life! He has been super polite with his foster fur brothers, and he is totally non-reactive to dogs we encounter in the neighborhood. He is very friendly, and loves to have his belly rubbed and booty skritches. He eats very well and takes treats very gently.

Nice easy strolls are his preference, and he’s great on the leash. I think he may be slightly deaf, or else he has simply perfected the art of selective hearing. He seems to hear certain things, but he also sleeps incredibly soundly and doesn’t always react to noises. He sleeps through the night, and is fine being left alone. He’s just about figured out the steps, though he finds going down a bit scary still. Overall, Yahtzee is a fabulous fluffy boy, and his forever family is going to be very lucky to have him!

Yahtzee Yahtzee Yahtzee Yahtzee Yahtzee Yahtzee Yahtzee