

4 lbs (toy)
Status: Adopted

A canine Keane painting come to life, Wren’s big eyes will melt your heart! Teeny tiny but full of love and sweetness, she’ll be your littlest BFF. This little Wren can’t wait to fly to her forever nest!


Don’t let her size fool you, little Miss Wren is actually quite spry and not afraid to stand up for herself when needed! That said, she’s not a huge fan of long walks and would much rather spend all day curled up in her bed, on your lap, or in your arms.

In fact, within a day of her arrival, my whole family unanimously started calling her "Princess because she just wanted to be held at all times. She is fine around other dogs, but would probably prefer a more quiet and calm household, where she won’t run the risk of getting trampled by a larger animal/child running around.

Wren is easily spooked by loud noises and will get scared of your hand if you come at her too fast, so again calm and quiet are her speeds. Otherwise, she is extremely calm and always hungry for more food! She’s missing several teeth, so hard foods are a no-go, but it means her tongue involuntarily sticks out all the time (Derp alert!)

That paired with her huge puppy eyes make it almost impossible to deny her treats and 24/7 cuddles. I literally squeal out loud every time I look at her! It took a few days of small accidents for her to get used to her surroundings, but after a week, she is pretty much accident-free and knows to do her business outside.

Wren is truly one of the sweetest, littlest, pups out there and is ready for a loving forever home to keep her warm and snug for the rest of her days!

Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren